Pomiń nawigację

Autorzy: Praca zbiorowa, Magdalena Urban

Clusters in the Śląskie Voivodeship (EN) (PL)


Seria: Clusters

Rodzaj publikacji: Katalog

Rok wydania: 2011

Język: EN

ISBN: 978-83-7585-113-7

Wydawca: Polish Agency for Enterprise Development


Pobierz wybrany format publikacji:

Zobacz: Zasady korzystania z publikacji PARP

The following catalogue is one of the results of the implementation of the project. The catalogue presents clusters from the most innovative branches of economy such as ICT sectors as well as from other branches, such as environmental protection, construction or aviation. To show the diversity of cluster initiatives in the Śląskie province we have selected seven clusters which we have described herein.

Spis treści

Clusters in the Śląskie Voivodeship

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