Pomiń nawigację

Autorzy: Ivan Boesso, Maria Sole D'Orazio, Alessandra Toressan

Supporting cluster marketing and branding. Handbook


Seria: Clusters

Rodzaj publikacji: Report

Rok wydania: 2012

Język: EN


Pobierz wybrany format publikacji:

Zobacz: Zasady korzystania z publikacji PARP

This handbook focuses on the issue of branding and marketing of the clusters; its comprehensive accession provides the explanation of the importance that successful branding and marketing brings towards the performance of a cluster itself. The handbook also explains the need for such a solution by providing various oversees of existing policies supporting cluster marketing and branding and draws useful recommendations for policy makers willing to undertake the process. The data and research in this reference manual also presents a way to imply such tactics, regarding all the components (key assets, positioning, implementing the tools) by pointing out the importance of analytical effort.

Spis treści

  • Executive summary
  • Introduction
  • Why branding for clusters.
  • How to include new cluster trends in marketing and branding
  • Branding? Marketing? Promotion? Let’s set up the scene
  • Policy action examples
  • Conclusions and recommendations
  • References
  • Linkology
  • Glossary of key terms
  • TACTICS consortium
  • Reflection group members
  • External contributions

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