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Autorzy: Michał Thlon, Magdalena Marciniak-Piotrowska, Monika Antonowicz, Katarzyna Dziedzic, Łukasz Macioch, Bartosz Nowicki, Maciej Piotrowski, Rafał Sieradzki, Dorota Thlon, Anna Lewandowska, Krzysztof Krystowski
Cluster Benchmarking in Poland – edition 2022 (EN)
The publication "Benchmarking of clusters in Poland – 2022 edition" is result of the 6th edition of a study about the condition and current state of cluster development in Poland. The study covered 41 clusters from all over Poland and its 642 members.
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We present the fifth edition of a study entitled "Benchmarking of clusters in Poland – 2022 edition" aimed at expanding knowledge about the condition and current state of cluster development in Poland, and carried out for the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. The study covered 41 clusters from all over Poland and its 642 members. The current edition of the study covered the period of analysis of phenomena over the years 2020 and 2021.
On the basis of the results obtained in the study, it can be concluded that the strength of Polish clusters is primarily the area concerning cluster processes (management processes, communication, market and marketing activities, cluster digitalization, in addition, impact on the natural environment, impact on shaping the environmental conditions as well as internationalization potential). The weakest sides of clusters include financial and infrastructure resources and innovation development.
In comparison with 2020 edition, the best clusters improved their position in each of the benchmarking areas. In case of the median (reflects the situation of the entire group of clusters to a much greater extent), too, an improvement was noted for each of the areas. It is worth noting that the weaknesses in the previous edition of the benchmarking (cluster resources, cluster results, cluster internationalization) also remain as weaknesses in the current study.
As part of the study, good practices of clusters' activity, both Polish and foreign, were which can be found in Chapter 6. A novelty in this edition is the Chapter 7: Cross-industry analyses. The report also contains a number of recommendations for cluster coordinators and public administration institutions.
We invite you to read the report!
Spis treści
- Introduction
- Key terminology
- Summary
- Introduction of research methodology
- Results of the study
- Good practices in the functioning of clusters
- Cross-industry analyses
- Conclusions
- Recommendations
- Attachments
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