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Autorzy: Praca zbiorowa, Magdalena Urban
Growth perspectives for polish ICT sector by 2025 (EN)
The development of information technologies is a foundation of growth, not only for the ICT sector, but for the entire economy and society. Competitiveness of Polish industries is to a large extent based on availability and quality of ICT sector solutions. In the era of global changes this is one of the key sectors for future growth. The significance of the ICT sector in global and Polish economies continues to dynamically increase. Key trends in the ICT sector shall include cloud technologies, Big Data, the Internet of Things and cybersecurity. Poland faces the challenge of replacing present growth drivers, such as low cost of labour, EU subsidies and increase rate of productivity, and of balancing future disadvantageous regulations and socio-economic factors. Polish companies must seek sources of competitive advantage in original, proprietary solutions and exploitation of market niches.
Government investments and creation of innovation friendly environment shall be an important driver for stimulating growth of the ICT sector. The increased effectiveness of key sectors through implementation of IT solutions may become a driving force of overall economic growth. The huge growth potential of the ICT sector is also confirmed by a large number of newly created start-ups. More than 50% of start-ups are established in the ICT sector. The number of Polish enterprises in the sector increases in the average annual rate of 10.1%. Polish ICT sector is in good condition, recording the average annual increase of turnover amounting to over 8.6%. This is the highest growth in Europe. However, relatively lower productivity of Polish ICT sector is manifested through the size of turnover per employee, which is lower by almost half than in German economy. This situation points to the need of further stimulation of the sector, as well as investment, both in infrastructure and education.
Investments from the government and enterprises in innovation should be the drivers of further increase of productivity. One of the conditions to stimulate investment activity of Polish enterprises is development of a transparent and stable legal system regulating activities in individual areas of the ICT sector and ensuring better safety of investment. Polish ICT sector is characterised by significantly higher innovativeness than other sectors of Polish economy. This strengthens its perception as a good field for investment.
Spis treści
Polish economy in the face of transformation
- Poland as a magnet to foreign investors
- Strengths and weaknesses of Polish economy
- Strengths and weaknesses: A chance for a new opening
ICT across the world
ICT in the face of digital transformation
- ICT in Poland
- Digitalisation of economy
- E-commerce
- Polish start-ups
The analysis of Polish ICT sector: state of play and international standing
- Size and importance for the economy
- The share in and the significance for international trade
- Productivity of the ICT sector
- Employment in the ICT sector
- Investment and innovation in the ICT sector
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