Pomiń nawigację

Autorzy: Paulina Zadura, test test1, Anna Tarnawa, Dorota Węcławska, Jacek Pokorski, Edwin Bendyk

Innovative entrepreneurship (EN)

Rodzaj publikacji: Report

Rok wydania: 2015

Język: EN

ISBN: 978-83-7633-380-9

Wydawca: Polish Agency for Enterprise Development


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Zobacz: Zasady korzystania z publikacji PARP

This year’s PARP Innovation Report focuses largely on entrepreneurs, i.e. on the presentation of the level, potential, and also perspectives for the development of the private sector in the innovation area. We attempt to provide the most complete picture possible, mostly through filling the gaps in the knowledge concerning particular groups of companies. We deploy our analysis with a statistical description of the innovation of Polish enterprises compared to the other European countries based on CSO and Eurostat data. This approach allows us to tell more about whether, for example, a drop in the innovation of Polish enterprises is specific for our country only or whether it is a tendency affecting other countries of the region. On the other hand, a look at the innovation from the perspective of consecutive years informs us about the expenditure borne by the Polish companies on innovation. This is particularly interesting information, because the expenditure increases dynamically. However, is it dynamic as in the other countries that are trying to catch up with the leaders?

Spis treści

Part I. Inno vation in numbers: entrepreneurs, micro-entrepreneurs and beneficiaries of public support

Part II. New a reas of innovation – observations and uncertainties

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