Pomiń nawigację

Seria: Study of Human Capital in Poland

Rodzaj publikacji: Report

Rok wydania: 2012

Język: EN

ISBN: 978-83-7633-193-5

Wydawca: Polish Agency for Enterprise Development


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Beginning with 2010, the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development in collabora tion with the Jagiellonian University has systematically conducted studies, which al low the tracing of changes in the structure of competencies in the labour market. The first round of the study was conducted in the fourth quarter of 2010, and the second round was conducted in the second quarter of 2011.

To present a complete picture of the situ ation in the labour market based on the System of Information in Education (SIO) and the data of the Central Statistical Office (GUS), the BKL Study analyses also courses of education in schools at levels higher than lower secondary, and at institutions of higher education.

Spis treści

1. Study of Human Capital in Poland: Poland’s largest labour market study
2. Poland’s secondary and higher education: future employees in the making
3. Labour activity of Poles
4. Who do the employers want to employ?
5. Education after school
6. Challenges for Polish economy

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