Udzielamy informacji o programach pomocowych realizowanych przez PARP.
Autorzy: Praca zbiorowa, Magdalena Urban
Key results of the third round of the BKL Study in 2012 (EN)
Seria: Study of Human Capital in Poland
Rodzaj publikacji: Report
Rok wydania: 2013
Język: EN
ISBN: 978-83-7633-182-9
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It proves that the mismatch between competencies supply and employer needs is a constant feature of the Polish labour market. In 2012, much like in the previous years, more than three in every four employers found it difficult to hire appropriate staff. The problem does not result from lack of labour – the reason is the fact that candidates do not meet the expectations, a statement that is especially true about the lack of competencies including independence in action, ability to make decisions, and the skill of working in a group. Unfortunately, the continuing uncertainty about the economic situation still will not let employers invest sufficient courage in increasing employment. In the spring of 2012, only every fourth employer believed that in the following 12 months their company will increase employment. What inspires optimism is the fact that 63% of the respondents intended to maintain employment at the same level. Although employers seek new employees, unemployment in Poland is not dropping. On the contrary, in the second half of 2012, when the study was conducted, there were 500,000 more people out of work – the unemployment rate grew by as much as 2.9 percentage point compared to 2011. Moreover, seeking new employees takes more and more time, and an unemployed needs on average 26 months to find a new job. As can be seen, the institutions responsible for the labour market policy in Poland face plenty of challenges. One of the most important is to establish comfortable conditions for running business and for developing enterprises, which will be accompanied by an increase in the number of new jobs.
Spis treści
Study of Human Capital in Poland – the largest study of the labour market in Poland
Education, employment, and entrepreneurship of Poles
Lifelong learning
Employers about the labour market
Expectations of the employers vs. future employees
Challenges for Polish economy
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