Pomiń nawigację

Autorzy: Anna Tarnawa, Przemysław Zbierowski, test test1, Robert Zakrzewski, Anna Skowrońska, Iwona Krysińska, Milena Gojny-Zbierowska

Survey Report: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Poland 2023

Seria: GEM

Rodzaj publikacji: Report

Rok wydania: 2023

Język: EN

ISBN: 978-83-7633560-5

Wydawca: Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości


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We invite you to read the 12th edition of the GEM Poland Report presenting the picture of entrepreneurship in Poland against the background of European and global countries, based on data obtained as part of the international research project Global Entrepreneurship Monitor.

As every year, the report presents key data showing the formation of the perception of entrepreneurs by the Polish society, the change in the intention to set up companies and the actual business activity of Poles, as well as the reasons for people to start a business or withdraw from business activity, as well as touches on the topic of entrepreneurship of women and men. The report also includes the results of an experts’ assessment of the conditions for starting a business, including – for the first time – an assessment of factors conducive to the recovery of entrepreneurship after the pandemic and acting on the basis of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. For the second time, we show data helping answer the questions of whether the pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation of companies and what attitudes they have adopted towards concepts such as sustainability and social responsibility. Once again, there is also a chapter concerning start-ups.

We warmly invite you to read the Report!

Spis treści

  • Detailed table of contents:
  • Key findings from the GEM Poland 2023 Report
  • About the GEM study
  • Entrepreneurship in Poland in 2022
  • 2.1. Poles’ perception of entrepreneurship
  • 2.2. Poles on their area of expertise, skills, and plans for setting up a business
  • 2.3. Level of entrepreneurial activity
  • 2.4. Motivation for starting a business
  • 2.5. Male and female entrepreneurship
  • 2.6. Entrepreneurship in age groups
  • 2.7. Enterprises’ attitude to sustainability and social responsibility
  • 2.8. Impact of the pandemic on the digitalisation of businesses
  • Determinants of entrepreneurial development
  • 3.1. Start-up opportunities
  • 3.2. Public policy and support
  • 3.3. Research and development, knowledge and technology transfer
  • 3.4. Cultural and social norms
  • 3.5. National Entrepreneurship Context Index (NECI)
  • 3.6. Rebuilding entrepreneurship after the COVID-19 pandemic
  • 3.7. UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • 3.8. Conclusions
  • A special topic – Start-ups in Poland
  • 4.1. Social understanding of a start-up – a definition of start-ups according to adult Poles
  • 4.2. Start-ups in the opinion of pre-entrepreneurs, new entrepreneurs, and established enterprises
  • 4.3. Expert assessment of the determinants of start-up development
  • 4.4. Conclusions

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