Pomiń nawigację

Autorzy: Praca zbiorowa, Magdalena Urban

talentITpeople - Catalogue of Participants CeBIT (EN)

Rodzaj publikacji: Katalog

Rok wydania: 2013

Język: EN


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Zobacz: Zasady korzystania z publikacji PARP

For the Polish IT/ICT industry, a strategic partnership in this year’s CeBIT fair is both a privilege and a chance to showcase its potential and competence. I am delighted that so many innovative solutions and novel ideas developed by Polish enterprises and institutions will be presented in Hanover.

Each year in Poland there are nearly 40,000 IT graduates who are sought-after and appreciated in the labour market. Many of them decide to start their own business. I admire and am proud of people who have chosen to follow this path. It is their talent, knowledge and creativity that make our IT industry competitive in Europe and recognised as a field of Polish expertise.

We have a lot to offer to partners from the new technology sector. Our objective is to maintain intensive cooperation between Polish and foreign enterprises. I hope that this Catalogue of our exhibitors at CeBIT 2013, which I hand over to you, will help you in establishing new business contacts.

Spis treści

Interview with Bożena Lublińska-Kasprzak
Foreword by the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy of the Republic of Poland Janusz Piechociński
Foreword by the Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Poland Dariusz Bogdan
Polish Exhibitors

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