Pomiń nawigację

Rodzaj publikacji: Report

Rok wydania: 2023

Język: EN


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Zobacz: Zasady korzystania z publikacji PARP

We are presenting a study summarising the latest wave of research conducted in the years 2021-2022 within the framework of the second edition of the Human Capital Study (Polish: Bilans Kapitału Ludzkiego, BKL Study) – a project implemented by PARP and the team of Jagiellonian University experts led by Professor Jarosław Górniak.

It was a very turbulent time in the Polish and global economy, marked by the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and rising inflation. In this publication, you will find an overview of the topic of inflation and its subjective perception among the BKL Study respondents. The study is divided into two parts: ‘Processes’ and ‘Resources’. Chapters grouped under the first title analyse the responses to significant economic and social trends, with the analysis based on the outcomes of the BKL Study. In the section entitled ‘Resources,’ we provide an overview of different aspects of human capital in Poland. When research results are compared in this way, it enables a broad analysis of the phenomena that occur in the Polish economy and shape the labour market.


We warmly invite you to read the Report!

Spis treści


Main Conclusions

Part I. Processes

  • Are Polish companies prepared for the trends currently shaping the labour market?
  • Assessment of the economic situation from an individual perspective during a period of accelerated price growth
  • The engagement of older people in the labour market and their choices regarding retirement
  • Strategic human capital management in Polish companies in the face of crises

Part II. Resources

  • Age and health as key determinants of the market situation of Polish women and men
  • The working environment of women and men
  • Foreign workers in Poland after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine
  • The situation of individuals with disabilities in the labour market
  • Methodological note on the sampling and research implementation in the 2nd edition of the Human Capital Balance Study in 2017-2022

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